Vertigo is a 1958 psychological thriller film directed by Alfred Hitchcock. The film stars a former police detective who was forced into early retirement after an incident which caused him to develop a fear of heights as well as vertigo.
The music used in the title sequence is mysterious with the low note in sync with the text coming onto the screen. The text itself is white with just the outline, not white filled into the letters, like a stencil. The text moves onto the screen at the begging of the title sequence into the centre.
It initially starts with just a woman's face as the camera goes across. She seems scared as shown when it goes onto just her eyes and they are moving about frantically. The camera moves across her face slowly, this seems the whole pace of the title sequence, very slow pace and almost disturbing just having the face of a scared woman.
The title is designed by Saul Bass which follows Saul Bass graphic style which is very modern for this time.
Once the title of the film has appeared on the screen as spiral pattern forms out of the woman's eye. The pattern changes colours and shapes and more people in the film appear on the screen on the right side of the screen, no longer the centre.
In my opinion, taking into consideration the time it was made, I like the title sequence. I like the way in which the camera moves over the girls face showing her emotions as the min actos in the ilm flash up onto the screen, as well as the unusual pattern which changes colour.
Vertigo Title Sequence:
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