The Incredible Hulk is a 2008 American superhero film based of marvel comic character the Hulk. The film shows the backstory of how Bruce Banner becomes Hulk through a military scheme to create a super soldier.
The opening sequence shows the science and experiments behind Bruce Banners change into the Hulk. It shows when he changes and all of the damage he causes once he becomes Hulk. It also shows a lot of military blue prints and new paper cuttings, a lot like the Se7en title sequence.
The typography is placed in the centre of the shot and moves toward the camera. The colour is a bright green, the same colour as Hulk. The font is very generic and simple, I think this is done as they want the audience to be concentrating on the imagery, not typography. The text also overlays the imagery, not like Se7en where it was after the images on a black background.
The visuals of the title sequence seems uses blurred imagery while showing Hulks devastation as if to show the audience how Bruce Banner is while hulk, right and wrong is blurred and he has no self control. It also shows in some parts a slight green tint when showing the imagery, green being the colour of hulk.
In a discussion with Kyle cooper, the person who made the title sequence he said that his primary goal was to tell the origin story in a prologue, rather than spending time on the expository during the film. I think that he has succeeded this in telling it in a simplistic way instead of incorporating the backstory into the film which could make the film 30 minutes longer.
I like the way in which its made and the way it shows how Bruce became hulk. Also it is made well with edits that fit the mood and the film in general, green typography, blurred lens when he is hulk.
Hulk Title Sequence:
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Analysis of title sequences within genres
Analysis of different styles of title sequence